today, I believe for sure is the day
I will leave all obsessions behind
forget about the ex
the fucking ex
who broke my heart into a bizillion little tiny pieces, little tiny ones, yes

tomorrow, I believe for sure is the day
I will say goodbye to my high-stress job
wait, I lie, it’s not tomorrow

the day after that (what day is that now?) I believe for sure is the day
that I will complete the last verse of a poem I wrote to the jerk
I once knew who, well, you know what he did, don't you?

and the day after that (whatever the hell that day may be) I believe for sure is the day
I will write a letter to the boss that hurt my feelings in front of a lot of people
no, I changed my mind, I am writing that letter right now

the day after that (I think it is one day before the weekend) I believe for sure is the day
I will spend less time instead of more time at work
the job I thought I was leaving 3 days ago
but that didn't happen

and the day after that (it must be the weekend now) I believe for sure is the day
that will be a down day and I will sleep in and masturbate
(does that offend you? too bad)

and the day after that (it must be the end of the week now) I believe for sure is the day
I will do absolutely nothing to answer the question
“If not now, when?”

all for now. and thanks for asking.