I found the spermicide in your hamper
could not imagine your using it in your vagina
the place where daddy put his penis
so so so many times over and over so you could make me

you'd reported on numerous occasions
the trials of my conception
how you lay on your back with legs up over your head
for the sperm to swim to the
far ends of your fallopian tubes to find me
you would name me after yourself

there were years and years of trying (10 to be exact)
the fucking, the over-head acrobatic acts of conception
with no luck

there was a severe pain
and a doctor said he must remove your uterus
and your tubes
and ovaries
to rid your body of endometriotic implants
embedding themselves

but while in the operating room
your husband, my daddy-to-be, also a surgeon
was allowed entrance to this arena by the nature of his licensure
and he begged "leave just one piece, don't take the uterus, leave a tube"
and it was accomplished

and upon your recovery, mommy, the next fuck
deep and penetrating brought little winnie out of hiding
from the tiny fragment of remaining ovary

I am your daughter
with my own vagina
and tubes
and ovaries
a woman who never wished for a baby the way
you'd wished and tried for me
but who has devoted her life to the
care of other vaginas, uteri, and tubes

thanks for having me and happy mother's day, mom