It is 6:43 am.
I am sitting in the lobby of 2238
waiting for the Sugar Bowl to open
to get my Camomile tea and sourdough toast.
I look around at the “Everyday Heroes” posters (wondering why I’m not one of them).
I chat with the nice security guard who bonds with me every day at this time.
I think about all of us commuters who risk their lives on roads and bridges in a storm to work for KP (those everyday heroes, eh?).
I reflect on the minute-to-minute work we do—to ensure patients are listened to, cared for, treated with respect.
I watch patients walk the stairs up to the second floor lab to get their early morning fasting bloods drawn and hope that their values will be WNL.
I dream of my co-workers and wish they have a peaceful day—with the regularly scheduled patients, the work-ins, the pregnant teens, the turmoiled families.

And I realize: Everyone of us is an Everyday Hero…