i awaken
traverse three stairs to bathroom
sun pouring in small window
the most welcoming place in house
despite sink riddled by years of plumbing neglect

i greet my face, wash it
tidy my hair with sticky spray
wrinkled fingers fluffing up grey-streaked style of today

i dress
sit at breakfast table
with remnants of flax cereal
eat what’s there, yesterday’s meal

i start car
channel radio tunes with hillbilly accents
reminding me of climbing hills
and billy’s i took for fuck me rides

i drive
bring the paperwork
tell the story
show the records
but, they don’t want me
say my injuries are not substantial
don’t warrant pay or social support
(what do they know, really?)

i return home
ascend three stairs
to the sun-filled bathroom
shed my tears
atop plumbing-neglected appliance
and see only the beginning of the fight
to the end…