morse, stephen
you are a wonder-man
riding out your time
like we all do

once a furniture-store guy
managing furniture stuff
and the paul-guy worker-dude
who drove the truck
and tried selling some stuff, too
(that paul-guy dude proposed to me in that truck)

that is how I came to know you
morse, stephen
then met wife brekke, judy
and son raybob
and all y'all brekke-morse's of the eighties
who came to my wedding to that paul-guy dude
with flowers and food
and love to go around
I have pictures that prove

we go on and on and on
living out the fates
and trying to do the best we can
believing in the hope
the hope
there is hope
that we can go on

morse, stephen
you are a role model
a poet
strong man
I shed tears, too
when I think of you
and my sorrow is for all mankind in those tears
for the illnesses we bear

think of good things tonight
morse, stephen
go to sleep sound
and wake up to judy-wife
the love of your life